,, , ,, , , , image/svg+xml , image/svg+xml , interact.js , image/svg+xml , ,, , ,

The Interactable methods draggable(), resizable() and gesturable() are used to enable and configure actions for target elements. They all have some common options as well as some action-specific options and event properties.

Drag, resizem and gesture interactions fire InteractEvents which have the following properties common to all action types:

InteractEvent propertyDescription
targetThe element that is being interacted with
interactableThe Interactable that is being interacted with
interactionThe Interaction that the event belongs to
x0, y0Page x and y coordinates of the starting event
clientX0, clientY0Client x and y coordinates of the starting event
dx, dyChange in coordinates of the mouse/touch
velocityX, velocityYThe Velocity of the pointer
speedThe speed of the pointer
timeStampThe time of creation of the event object

Common Action Options

The Interactable methods draggable, resizable and gesturable take either true or false to simply allow/disallow the action or an object with properties to change certain settings.


max is used to limit the number of concurrent interactions that can target an interactable. By default, any number of interactions can target an interactable.


By default only 1 interaction can target the same interactable+element combination. If you want to allow multiple interactions on the same target element, set the maxPerElement property of your object to a value >= 2.


If this is changed to true then drag, resize and gesture actions will have to be started with a call to Interaction#start as the usual down, move, <action>start… sequence will not start an action. See auto-start.


The action will start after the pointer is held down for the given number of milliseconds.


Change inertia settings for drag, and resize. See docs/inertia.


If the auto-start feature is enabled, interact will style the cursor of draggable and resizable elements as you hover over them.


To disable this for all actions, set the styleCursor option to false


    edges: { left: true, right: true },
    cursorChecker (action, interactable, element, interacting) {
      // the library uses biderectional arrows <-> by default,
      // but we want specific arrows (<- or ->) for each diriection
      if (action.edges.left) { return 'w-resize' }
      if (action.edges.right) { return 'e-resize' }
    cursorChecker () {
      // don't set a cursor for drag actions
      return null

You can disable default cursors with interact(target).styleCursor(false), but that will disable cursor styling for all actions. To disable or change the cursor for each action, you can set a cursorChecker function which takes info about the current interaction and returns the CSS cursor value to set on the target element.


    autoScroll: true,
    autoScroll: {
      container: document.body,
      margin: 50,
      distance: 5,
      interval: 10,
      speed: 300,

Scroll a container (window or an HTMLElement) when a drag or resize move happens at the edge of the container.

allowFrom (handle)

<div class="movable-box">
  <div class="drag-handle" />
  <div class="resize-handle" />
    allowFrom: '.drag-handle',
    allowFrom: '.resize-handle',
    allowFrom: '*',

The allowFrom option lets you specify a target CSS selector or Element which must be the target of the pointer down event in order for the action to start. This option available for drag, resize and gesture, as well as pointerEvents (down, move, hold, etc.). Using the allowFrom option, you may specify handles for each action separately and for all your pointerEvents listeners.

The allowFrom elements must be children of the target interactable element.


<div id="movable-box">
  <p class="content">Selectable text</p>
  <div no-pointer-event>Should not fire tap, hold, etc. events</div>
var movable = document.querySelector('#movable-box')

    ignoreFrom: '.content',
    onmove: function (event) {
      /* ... */
    ignoreFrom: '[no-pointer-event]',
  .on('tap', function (event) {

The compliment to allowFrom, ignoreFrom lets you specify elements within your target with which to avoid starting actions. This is useful when certain elements need to maintain default behavior when interacted with. For example, dragging around a text/contentEditable, by wrapping this object with a draggable element and ignoring the editable content you maintain the ability to highlight text without moving the element.


Enable the action for the Interactable. If the options object has no enabled property or the property value is true then the action is enabled. If enabled is false, the action is disabled.